Have you had an enterprise blog for quite a long time and have had no achievement? Are you still not getting more than a thousand people visiting your blog despite all the advertising through various social media channels? This is a sign that you’re probably doing things wrong or aren’t marketing your blog in a sufficient way! This is the time to rectify this! In this article, I’ll present seven strategies to promote your blog.
Begin with proper research
It’s true that this is not directly related to the blog’s promotion, but it is the basis on which you can create appropriate marketing campaigns. If you’re hoping to get the greatest success from your blog and make it read by your desired readers, you can’t accomplish very much without doing search engine research and analysis of the competition. This should be your first step before getting into creating blog content.
Optimize Your Content
If you wish for Google to be awestruck by the blog you have created and award its top rankings in search results, then you must ensure that it’s correctly optimized. This will give you a greater chance to boost the amount of organic traffic.
Use Social Media to Promote Content
Promoting your blog and your brand on social media can add substantially to the brand’s recognition in your target market and, ultimately, their trust in your business. If you’ve been ignoring social media promotion to date, it’s time to alter it.
Winning Readers via Email
It is a tactic that is ignored by a lot of people because they think it is spam. It’s true that nobody wants to receive spam; however, if you send your customers an email that isn’t unwelcome and ineffective, it can help you make a difference. Make sure that your email is not wordy and long, as people are too busy to go through longreads. You can use https://studycrumb.com/word-counter for a given purpose.
Be Ready to Pay for a Quick Result
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to gain a high amount of organic traffic on social media. This is the reason why many companies, hoping to get results quickly, have opted to use paid advertisements in both social media as well as in search engines. There are a lot of options, and you have the option of Google Ads (previously known as Google AdWords), Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and Twitter Ads, which are just some of the most well-known.
Do you wish for, say, an article to be targeted for promotion and easily discovered by people who use Facebook? Facebook Ads offers a “boost post” option where you can select an audience you would like to target and the budget you wish to allocate for promotion, as well as the duration. LinkedIn, however, on its side, has two distinct ways of promoting via content that is displayed in the newsfeed or left-hand sides of LinkedIn’s LinkedIn page.
Be sure to select paid-for promotion only on channels with the highest chance of success for your business!
Get in touch with the Right People
Do you know about referral traffic? It’s actually an excellent source of income for bloggers. It’s the traffic to your website that comes by referring to another website. This kind of traffic on the Internet is worth fighting for! This can be achieved primarily by guest posting on well-known, reputable blogs in your industry.
This method can be implemented by two options: you can reach out to bloggers offering the possibility of writing content for the blog of another blogger in exchange for an author box and an URL to your site, or you can take the opposite approach and allow other authors to create content for your blog. Both of these options can be extremely beneficial for you as you do not just get referral traffic but also establish connections with other people within your field.
Analysis and Measurements
Have you already implemented these strategies (or at least some)? It’s the right time to assess the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Make sure to check it regularly to determine which channels for promotion perform best and contribute the most to increasing blog traffic. There are numerous tools, such as assignment calculators, that can provide you with useful information for analysis.
Try these strategies out and find out which strategies produce the best outcomes! Make sure you focus not just on the promotion itself but also on the preparation (steps one and two) and the analysis of results.
About the Author: Emma Flores
Emma Flores is lucky enough to make her interests into a job. Editor and proofreader on workdays and freelance writer at weekends, and a mother all the time. Emma is working with WriteMyEssay4Me to provide tips for making academic papers that are of high-quality standards. Emma is an experienced proofreader, a skilled editor, and a talented freelance writer all at once. She’s here to share her knowledge with you.