Integrations - Firmao CRM

BaseLinker (order)

The integration synchronizes orders and products are sent from Firmao to Baselinker (approximately every 10 minutes). Once an order is sent, it does not go to Baselinker again and it is not possible to update such an order on the Firmao -> Baselinker page. Product status from Firmao is shipped from the warehouse that is selected as default.
To properly configure the integration, go to the Baselinker website to the Integrations tab. Click the green button „Add integration”, select an option „Show more” in section „Shops”and select the last field „Other store”. Enter:
  • Display name (any custom name)
  • Data exchange file (copied from Firmao)
A communication password will be generated. Copy and paste them into the Firmao system, and then confirm the changes with the button “Set a password for communication”. To save the entered data on the Baselinker side, click the button “Save”.
Further configurations and integration settings are available in the Baselinker system.
BaseLinker (order)

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